Start Date: 11/29/2024 11:00 AM MST
End Date: 11/29/2024 1:30 PM MST
Venue Name: Calgary TELUS Convention Centre
136 8 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB Canada T2P 0K6
Organization Name:
Canadian Association of Energy Contractors (CAOEC)
We invite you to attend the 2024 State of the Industry!
In collaboration with
EPAC, CAOEC is pleased to invite you to our most anticipated event of the year – the State of the Industry luncheon.
The event brings together Association members, industry leaders, and subject matter experts to discuss the current state of our industry, where it's headed, and what we can do to ensure its continued progress.
Returning as our keynote speaker will be Alberta’s Premier, the Honourable Danielle Smith. The event will also feature an exclusive preview of our latest State of the Industry Report and 2025 Rig Forecasts.
Following the keynote address will be a panel discussion on exciting opportunities in the world of geothermal energy:
Mark Scholz, President & CEO, CAOEC
Hon. Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas
Matthew Toews, Chief Technology Officer, Eavor Technologies Inc.
Jeanine Vany, Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs, Eavor Technologies Inc.
Ticket cost (members): $175 + tax
Not a member?
Sign up today!
Ticket includes lunch. If you have any dietary restrictions, please email
Interested in purchasing a table? To secure a table, please purchase 10 tickets.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available! Contact An Tran at to learn more.
Thank you to our Diamond Sponsor:

Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors: