CAOEC Responds to Federal Election Results

For Immediate Release: September 21, 2021

The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors (CAOEC) responds to federal election results.

CAOEC congratulates Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party on their election victory and calls on the government to actively promote Canada’s world-class energy industry.

As Canadians continue to struggle with the burdens of a weak economy and the lingering pandemic, it is essential for governments at all levels to maximize every available opportunity for good jobs and economic activity. As commodity prices continue to rise, Canada’s energy industry is slowly recovering, and jobs are beginning to return across the country.  

“There is no better time for the federal government to begin actively promoting Canada’s energy industry,” says CAOEC CEO Mark A. Scholz. “It is clear the demand for our best-in-class oil and natural gas products is rising, and our expertise in responsible development and environmental excellence is sought after around the word.”

Canada is a premium provider of responsibly developed oil, natural gas, LNG, geothermal energy, and hydrogen with high environmental, social, and governance standards. In striving toward cleaner energy solutions, Canada’s energy sector directly employs more than 282,000 people and indirectly supports over 550,500 jobs. 

“The federal government has a responsibility to advance the industries that create economic prosperity for Canadians,” explains Scholz. “Our energy industry is committed to lowering emissions by investing in clean technologies and increasing energy efficiency while providing high-value jobs and resource revenues. The time is now to tell our good news story to the world.” 


The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors (CAOEC) represents Canada’s energy service contractors operating close to the wellhead.

For further information, contact:
John Bayko
Vice President, Communications
Canadian Association of Energy Contractors

Suite 2050, 717-7 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0Z3
Phone: (403) 264-4311